Thursday, April 27, 2006
ytd's training was slack cos it rained... luthfi had it all planned out at first but it was all ruined thanks to the rain... did 10 rounds up and down, guys did 12 (the guys are damn zai now, they lapped me like 2/3 times ahha) after that was the relay which rocked cos hong kit and erwin were damn good haha... then we did 10 sets of 10 counts of 4 push-ups/ crunches (interchangable) but the last set was counts of 8... then that was pretty much it... but the push ups were pretty intensive.. sue maine got injured but she;s alright now, i hope =)
should i take on mel and erwin's bet? 100 packets of hello pandas if i grow my hair long... yes? no? post a comment on my tag pls haha...
water training tmr.. im gonna "cheong" all the way, no more playing a fool... im gonna get serious, wanna take part in nationals this year haha... yup...
Blogged_ 10:19 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
my bruise is damn unsightly... all thanks to the blood thick needle that sucked the blood out of me... now i look as if i'd been abused... hopefully i'll survive tmr's land training hah....
Blogged_ 8:50 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
ive decided to blog... today i was kinda in a dilema... there's 4x400 heats tmr and water training... how?? i dont wanna let down my class but at the same time, i need to practise my strokes... i really wanna train hard cos i wanna take part in nationals and make my mark =D haah... just kill me... oh, mahtani's back from aust... stayed over at her house last friday, it was real fun.. had alot of catching up to do with her... when she, mel and i went shopping on friday, it really was like old times.. i missed it... now wed and sat trainings are split up.. it sucks... the main reason why training is fun cos of the ppl.. especially when we're all put together...
Come on Balthazaa I refuse to let you die
Come on fallen star I refuse to let you die
Cos that's wrong and I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong I've been waiting far too long
For you to mine
For you to be mine..for you to be mine
And it's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
It's wrong, I've been waiting far too long
For you to
All the centrefolds that you can't afford
Have long since waved their last goodbyes
All the centrefolds that you can't afford
You've long since faded from their eyes
So mine
Blogged_ 9:34 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I feel as if im waiting for all eternity for something that'll never happenquick update... played bridge with shem, jade, hong kit and janice after school... yi hui was being hardworking and studying hahaha.. should i pierce??? im still thinking.... haha... chatting with mahtani online, havent had a good chat with mel and her for a long time haha.... she'll be back soon so ya haha!!!! happy days! haha..
Blogged_ 9:34 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Got up at 645 today to go to kallang... its damn bloody early to get up on a saturday but no conplaints, its all for the love of the sport... we started off with a 20mins run which totally killed my leg.. i was dying... but pain is only superficial so tolerance was the key... we did a few exercises after that and went into water... we learnt a new stroke and spent the whole training using that stroke... this is the first time i paddled till i didnt feel like paddling anymore... but endurance is they key... think im getting used to the T boat.. but i almost capped while sprinting... at the end of training, shawn asked me to rate the training on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the toughest.. i gave it a 7... but come to think of it, i think its more of a 5.5 haha... but he said that training was actually slack.. agreed. after a bath, i rushed home cos i was supposed to have piano but she cancelled on me yet again... i rushed till i missed a proper lunch... anyways, i slacked around till 3+ then took a nap... i just got up around 20 mins ago haha... dont think i'll be going for christy's party, my leg is really killing me.. i need one of my parents to bring me to the sensei but my dad's golfing and my mom just came back from a flight and is currently sleeping... i guess i'll just have to wait..
the whole world doesnt have to revolve around you.. everything i do doesnt have to be done for or about you... a song is just a song, it has no significance... im not gonna waste my time replying your 2 sentence email... talking terms?? whats the use, nothing will ever be the same anymore.
Blogged_ 6:08 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
yay, my com's back!! haha... ever since my sis started work at tanjong pagar, she's been so into computer and stuff haha... now she's totally IT savvy haha...
anyways, today was our first water training after like 2/3 weeks. our instructor who took us for our one star course was present. At first, erwin and i were waiting for the others to launch first cos we wanted to see how many ppl will cap even before leaving the shore haha... but after a while, we kinda got the hang of it haha... all the guys capped a few times but none of the girls did haha.. this proves that girls have a better sense of balance haha.. or maybe, the guys too "xiong" and all wanna "cheong" haha... pardon my han yu pin yin ahhaha... training was super slack... after training we took a little walk to the indoor stadium ahha... it was then that my leg started to hurt.. well, not exactly my leg but like my ankle area.. i think its an old injury but it totally changed my mood... after bathing, we cabbed down to cine to meet desmond and mel for dinner... i was totally grumpy cos i was bothered by my leg.. BLEH! i was kinda pissed off cos even walking was killing me... heck, its only pain and pain can be tolerated... maybe i'll pay a visit to the chinese sinsei guy tmr to have it checked out but most probably not cos i dont have a ride =P.
Why are humans such social creatures? why cant we live our lives in isolation and feed off the grief other people emit? like parasites...
Ghost of a good thing
I guess it's luck but it's the same
Hard luck you've been trying to tame
Maybe it's love but it's like you said
"Love is like a role that we play"
But I believe in you so much
I could die for the words that you say
But i believe in you so much
I could die from the words that you say
But you're chasing the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
Is getting away from you again
While you're chasing ghosts
I guess it's luck but it's the same
Hard luck you've been trying to tame
Maybe it's love but it's like you said
"Love is like a role that we play"
But I believe in you so much
I could die for the words that you say
But i believe in you so much
I could die from the words that you say
But you're chasing the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
Is getting away from you again
While you're chasing ghosts
Just bend the pieces till they fit
Like they were made for it
But they weren't meant for this
No they weren't meant for this
Just bend the pieces till they fit
Like they were made for it
But they weren't meant for this
Chasin' the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
Is getting away, away, away, away from you again
Chasin' the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
Is getting away from you again
While you're chasing ghosts
Blogged_ 10:39 PM